5 Best Extensions to Marry Magento 2 and Google Shopping

Google Shopping is indeed an indispensable opportunity for e-merchants to promote their products online. This service is developed by Google and offered free of charge to satisfy both web store owners and their customers. It enables e-shoppers to pinpoint and compare any goods they are looking for on the Internet. Online businesses can upload their product…

The Holiday Shopping Season 2017 Checklist

The holiday shopping season is in full swing now and consumers immerse ourselves into the shopping spree to spend far more on gifts and impulse purchases than they usually do throughout the year. The eMarketer survey estimates that in 2017, November and December will account for 23.6% of full-year ecommerce sales. This year’s retails sales…

The Best Magento 2 POS Solutions to Check Out In 2018

Point of Sale or POS system is by far the indispensable part for any online business. Within the eCommerce ecosystem the POS module takes part in almost any main activities: making payments, refund, creating and completing orders, to name a few. All these functions, provided they are organized in a proper way and really orchestrate…

Magento 2 vs BigCommerce: Which Platform Will Merit a Prize?

Aligning all your commercial software into one holistic ecosystem is going to shape B2C and B2B sectors in the upcoming year. eCommerce platforms powered up with the cognitive approaches like AI, deep and machine learning can significantly contribute to the online business development. However, it’s not an easy task to choose a decent SaaS that…

Top 5 Magento 2 Multivendor Extensions to Outstand Like Amazon

Have you ever though why giants like Amazon, Ebay, Etsy, Rakuten, Flipkart, Snapdeal and Alibaba are flourishing in the global retail eCommerce market today? They just indulge the customers’ desires and therefore improve their experience  by offering a wide range of options to choose among various vendors. In 2016, global e-retail sales amounted to 1.9 trillion U.S. dollars and…

Key Takeaways from WebSummit 2017

Last week Maven eCommerce team attended the largest tech conference in the world – WebSummit. This year the conference gathered more than 60 000 people from all over the globe. It was a great chance to align ourselves with the latest trends in tech and the web. We spent some time between different stages to…

Top PIM Software to Harness eCommerce Platforms

Product Information Management (PIM) is truly considered to be an indispensable component of any B2C or B2B eCommerce project. PIM software is mostly valued for its capability to keep track of real-time data about the overall range of company’s production and disseminate the processed information across various systems within your eCommerce platform. PIM is synchronized…

The Most Anticipated Digital Marketing Trends 2018

Digital marketing has drastically evolved in recent years, since more and more cutting-edge technologies and eCommerce platforms emerge to contribute to your online business optimization. Nowadays we regularly come across brand new trends, innovative approaches and challenges. When applied to digital marketing methodology they enable companies to renovate their overall business strategy and improve performance….

Progressive Enhancement vs Graceful Degradation

The concepts of progressive enhancement and graceful degradation have been in the air for a while. However these terms are completely opposite, they are often used in conjunction. It’s not surprising as both pursue the same goal – to make web pages accessible to a variety of browsers and their versions. Before digging deeper into…