Marketing audit
Your website is the face of your business. It should be built according to the usability standards and UX/UI techniques. When the customers are engaged, they enjoy the visual and textual content. As a result, you get high conversion rates and low bounce rates. So, the background for getting loyal customers and unique visitors is set.
If you get tons of traffic but no sales, if the visitors do not want to stay on the website for long, it means that the platform should be thoroughly checked from the point of view of user experience.
get a professional UX and marketing audit
successful projects
UI/UX analysis
The digital marketers review the quality of interaction with the user through the website design. We’ll analyze the position and relevance of navigational elements as well as the mistakes in design.
Brand analysis
The second stage consists of reviewing your positioning through digital channels, and how the brand looks among your competition together with its attributes. Actually, we conduct a thorough competition analysis to see your opportunities for growth and current bottlenecks.
Content analysis
On the third stage, we study the preferences of your target audience and check how well your brand conveys its value and the main message. We examine the style of content, its tone and the degree of interest for the user.