Just 59 seconds. This is how much you have to capture your visitors’ attention before they leave your website. According to the research conducted by Nielsen Norman Group, on average people spend less than a minute browsing though any given website. What makes them leave without committing the target action is another question. We’ve compiled a list of 10 most common reasons why your visitors may not convert into your loyal customers.
1) Outdated design
They say “never judge a book by its cover.” However, that’s what the vast majority of people do when they browse through your website. In a study, conducted by Dr. Elizabeth Silence participants were asked to review websites and rate whether they found them trustworthy. It appeared that 94% of respondents would leave your website if they were uncomfortable with the way it looked. So if you haven’t redesigned your online store for quite a while, it’s time you do it.
People will also leave your website if your design isn’t responsive. Google has updated its major mobile algorithm making online stores that don’t have mobile-friendly user interfaces lose organic search rankings. Moreover, according to Mobify, around 30% of mobile shoppers will not complete the purchase if a website is not optimized for mobile devices.
2) Issues with Content
Content is the thing that drives people to your website. It’s also what makes people leave too soon. There can be quite a few content-related issues that don’t let you boost your conversions with fonts being one of them. If for some reason you use Comic Sans anywhere in your texts you should change that immediately. It’s best to use high-contrast color combinations with sans serif or serif fonts.
A research conducted by Small Business Trends revealed that in 2013 a stunning 80% of small B2B websites missed out on their customers just because they failed to provide a call-to-action. So make sure that your users are guided all the way to the target action by placing a relevant CTA button where it belongs. Remember, they won’t convert if you don’t make them to.
It’s also a good idea to experiment with various types of content – don’t stick to only photos and text, use videos, slideshows, infographics, blog posts, podcasts, etc. One of the most valued kinds of content is user-generated. It is considered by many buyers to be more credible than what you have to say about your product. Encourage your customers to share their experience through comments and photo uploads to build loyalty and don’t forget to provide them with incentives to return to your store.
3) Annoying Ads
For many ad-driven websites, ads are the only source of income, but that doesn’t mean you have to place them everywhere. According to Nielsen’s 2014 Trust in Advertising report online banner ads are the least trusted form of advertising. So it’s best you limit ad use if you don’t want to deal with increasing bounce rates.
Image Credit: The Nielsen Company
4) Outdated plugins
Does your website contain Flash files? If the answer is “yes,” it’s time you remove them. It’s really annoying for the vast majority of people to continually install updates to this plugin. Even YouTube has ceased to use Flash object embeds. Use HTML5 for your animations and videos and don’t forget to include a transcript and summary. And make sure to switch off auto-play. It can get really annoying.
5) Poor Navigation Structure
Digital marketing is all about user experience. People won’t spend hours browsing through your website to find what they’ve been looking for. Moreover, poor navigation structure is bad for SEO. Your content should be arranged in a way that would guide the user from getting to know your product to buying it in just a few simple steps. Keep in mind the so-called “3-click rule,” which implies that the visitor should make a purchase in no more than 3 clicks from opening a website.
6) Your Offer Isn’t Clear
Before they purchase, your visitors need to have a clear understanding of what they’re paying for. Here’s a classic example of how Apple advertised their iPod.
The second option is more appealing, isn’t it? Why? Because it advertises the benefits of the product rather than the features of the device.
7) Slow Loading
KISSmetrics report suggest that load time is crucial for online store’s performance. Around 40% of visitors will abandon your website if it loads in more than 3 seconds. And with every second you keep them waiting their satisfaction decreases by 16%. So making your site load fast should be your top priority.
8) Lack of Personality
People want to see people behind your website. If it looks like anyone could’ve written it, chances are users will leave your website and you will struggle with poor conversion rates. If you’re selling clothes it’s a good idea to show other people wearing them. Or at least add a photo of the manager whom they can get in touch with.
9) Obtrusive Requirements
People are not willing to share too much of their personal information online. So you don’t need to try to make them to. Strict registration requirements are real conversion killers. Keep your registration form simple and ask only for the information you really need to utilize. Removing only a single data field helped Expedia generate an extra $12 million in revenue.
10) No Exit Intent Technology
The point where your visitor hits the “Back” button is crucial for conversions. The good news is that there’s hope to regain the attention of potential buyers and not let them leave. Utilize visitor mouse movement tools and if you see that a person is about to bounce present a special last-ditch offer to make him stay on the page.
Thanks I am a mother and very busy! This helped me alot!